
This was a recent commission for a client in Germany who contacted me via a friend.  They had recently had to say goodbye to their beautiful golden retriever and I was honoured to be asked to create a portrait of her with one of her favourite toys.  Hopefully the painting will give a little comfort to the family at a very sad time.  RIP Tessa.


National Dog Day

On Saturday 26 August, it is National Dog Day – celebrating our canine friends all over the world.  With that in mind, here is a collection of a few of my paintings of pooches who are awaiting their forever homes… or walls!  A mixture of breeds and all lovely characters who make, or have made, our lives just that bit more fun.

New Year, Fresh Start

Happy New Year!  The start of the year means looking ahead with hope, anticipation and enthusiasm.  2016 was a bit of a tough one for me, so it’s time to move forward and hope 2017 will be better.  I’m sure I’m not the only person feeling this way.

With that in mind, I plan to be more productive with my artwork and also try to get it “out there” in the big wide world. 

As Jim Royle once said in Caroline Aherne’s brilliant TV comedy series ‘The Royle Family’, “Those dishes won’t do themselves, Barb” – of course, this will leave you puzzled if you are reading this outside the UK!!  It just means, if you want to get a job done, get on with it.

So without further ado, here are a couple of progress stage & completed paintings I can now reveal, that were commissioned for Christmas gifts, as I sign off for the time being and get cracking on some new work.
